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Muscular photography.

April 10, 2012

Carnation and sterling silver muscle necklaces.


Illustrious mavin of the lens, Rachel Hanel has put the finishing touches on the photos of my new work and she has really out-done herself this time! Here are a few of my favorites from the muscle portion of the shoot with more coming soon!  The model is my stunning, strong sister, Colleen.  Most of the rings are in women’s sizes although I am also working up some muscular gents jewelry for the shows this summer so stay tuned….

I am obsessed with how beautiful physical bodies are from all angles and depths… Freckles, skin, muscle, vasculature, and bone down to the spongy lattice-work.  The biological world is functional art and my recent collections are mostly frenetic rhapsodizing about that.

Carnation pink silver Heart Vasculature Rin








I am still planning on coming up with some new muscular jewelry before I completely say goodbye to this series.  I like the direct conceptual metaphor of jewelry being of the body, for the body, and our organs of strength are literally so elegant.

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